Villages In Partnership gets $40K Matching Grant with our donation. Timing is everything!
Our board of directors at our last board meeting approved a $22,500 donation to Villages In Partnership (VIP), a nonprofit we have supported the last few years. This money is designated for drilling 3 wells in Malawi. Each well will provide potable water for an entire village which consists of hundreds of people.
I received an email from VIP on Tuesday morning asking for help to unlock a $40K Matching Grant with the deadline at the end of the day. They had their Giving Tuesday a week before everyone else. Well, the timing was perfect! I called VIP and asked if our donation could be applied towards the matching grant. The answer was a resounding YES! Here was the email that I received from VIP the day after.
"He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness"- 2 Corinthians 9:10
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined our livestream last night! Thanks to your generosity and the support of our amazing partners, we unlocked our $40,000 matching gift! This will help our brothers and sisters in Malawi "moo"-ve on up from from scarcity to sustainability!
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