Done In A Day: Sharing Connections 2025

Thank you to everyone who came out to help make a difference for our friends and neighbors. Sharing Connections plays a big part in helping the community, and they are always happy for us to return for the annual dresser building challenge!
This year’s lively team challenge resulted in Rotary donating 6 dressers for new homes - a practical way to help. The donation of dressers and contribution came to $1,500 plus the time and care in building the dressers.
We gathered afterward at Alter Brewing for sandwiches and beer.
Looking forward to next year already!

Done In A Day: Greater Chicago Food Depository

Service above self and giving back is what we are about. Friday afternoon we, along with a few other groups, spent a few hours repacking food at The Greater Chicago Food Depository. Our job was to repack 6300 lbs of potatoes. That serves 5215 meals, which equates to 175 meals packed per person!

Double the Fun, Double the Pleasure
Villages In Partnership gets $40K Matching Grant with our donation. Timing is everything!
Our board of directors at our last board meeting approved a $22,500 donation to Villages In Partnership (VIP), a nonprofit we have supported the last few years. This money is designated for drilling 3 wells in Malawi. Each well will provide potable water for an entire village which consists of hundreds of people.I received an email from VIP on Tuesday morning asking for help to unlock a $40K Matching Grant with the deadline at the end of the day. They had their Giving Tuesday a week before everyone else. Well, the timing was perfect! I called VIP and asked if our donation could be applied towards the matching grant. The answer was a resounding YES! Here was the email that I received from VIP the day after.
Done In A Day: Halloween Window Painting 2024!

This family event has been a tradition in Downers Grove since 1966. The Rotary Club of Downers Grove and the Downers Grove Downtown Management Corp organized and ran another successful Halloween Window Painting. Helped by volunteers from the St. Joseph's Football Team, families provided donations to Downers Grove Area FISH!

Done In A Day: NAMI DuPage 5K Pancake Breakfast

Nine Rotarians assisted with the NAMI 5k pancake breakfast last Saturday. We served a hearty breakfast of pancakes, syrup, orange juice, granola bars and banana to all. It felt good to assist our fellow Rotary club of Carol Stream in this endeavour.
We also shared our donation check of $1,000 made up of a $500 mental health focus grant from our district, together with our usual Done In A Day contribution.
NAMI is such a worthy organization and we were very happy to make a difference!